Friday, July 10, 2009

A new poodle chapter

About three years ago, my cousin decided to get a dog. He wanted a dog that could ride along with him in his truck as he made service calls for his business. The dog needed to be a poodle because of his allergies. He found a breeder with puppies who talked him into taking the mom instead. That was Lucy.

But Lucy was not a very outgoing dog – super sweet but shy, too – and really, the job didn't lend itself to ride-alongs like my cousin hoped. Lucy ended up staying home alone a lot. So my cousin got Jackson to keep her company.
I met Jackson when he was about 4 months old. We had a little meetup at the dog park.

Such a cute little guy! And good for Lucy, who clearly relished his company.
Fast forward to today.

My cousin recognized that he was too busy to give Lucy and Jackson the attention they need. He loves the dogs, but could hardly spend time with them. I had told him more than a year ago that when Sophie died, I would be happy to take them. So today they became mine.
I thought I would wait longer, but it's been very hard having an empty house, and I knew these two would be happy here. They're good dogs.


  1. Aww, they're so pretty! I hope Lucy has learned to become a little more social with Jackson's influence.

  2. HOW CUTE! I'm so glad to hear that you have furry ones in your house again. I'm sure Sophie would have been happy that you have new poodle friends. :o)

  3. And it's so great that Sophie knew them, too.

  4. I am so happy for you that you are able to fill your home with 2 new darlings who are guaranteed to flourish with all the love you're going to shower on them!

  5. Oh! I am so happy for you! It's a tribute to your happy life with Sophie to need to fill your heart and home again.

  6. Those are sweet-looking dogs. I hope you and they enjoy each other for many years.

  7. Oh! I didn't realize you were adopting rather than just poodle-sitting -- congratulations! You know I have a crush on Jackson.

    As devastated as I was over Milo, I didn't make it three months before bringing Dorrie home. When you're used to having doggie company, it feels so empty without them.

    Best of luck to you all! And skritches all around.

  8. They are beautiful dogs and so lucky to own you.

  9. That is a very happy chapter to follow a very sad one. And it seems ideal, since you all know each other already. Enjoy.

  10. What's this salty wet stuff squeezing out of my eyes? In my new life as a sort-of Buddhist I know that Sophie is smiling right now. Welcome Lucy and Jackson!

  11. And so sweet too. It's hard to be fuzz ball free. Welcome to the family Lucy and Jackson!

  12. Yeah! They are so cute. Salt & Pepper. My mom has one of each (not poodles though) and I think that everytime I see them.

  13. Wow, Jackson's a big boy and Lucy looks so sweet. 2 will definitely help fill your home and nothing helps a heart heal better than a spoo! :)

  14. I am so happy that you have opened your home and hearts to these adorable guys. It is never too soon for love, it is strong enough to honour both the past and the present. What a lovely new chapter in your lives. Looking forward to reading your new adventures.

  15. Perfick! Best way to fill a hole in your heart is to stuff it full with twice as much love. Very wise move, and, wow, what lucky dogs. Now you'll be blogging twice as often, right? ;)


  16. I knew it would happen sooner or later. Happy for you!

  17. Aww, yay! I'm glad you have some company. I look forward to many more pictures of these poodles to come!

  18. They look so happy to be there! And great that they were able to stay together.

  19. How could one not love dogs who always look like they're smiling? Good to see furry ones making a home with you.

  20. I know you three will be very happy together. IMO, there's no procribed period of mourning when a pet dies. Having this young twosome fill the void that Sophie left is wonderful. Congratulations -- and now, you'll have to double up on dog food purchases.

  21. And now I shed happy tears! Congratulations!

  22. Oh, such adorable faces. I hope you all enjoy one another very much.

  23. Hi Kitt - I'm in tears! Sad tears for your loss of Sophie - I can well imagine how hard that was. You wrote a lovely tribute to her. And happy tears because I know you'll enjoy these two cuties - and they're so lucky to have you for a mom.
    I'll always remember Sophie - she's the reason I started blogging! Thanks for sharing her with us.

  24. Two lucky pooches ; ) A colleague has a huge grey poodle who is a service dog and I love him. So glad you have company again.
