Friday, June 24, 2011

Snoozy poodles

The Sergeant is still working on refining his time-lapse set-up.

Sleepy poodles are a willing subject.

(Warning: The music's a little loud, so you might want to turn your speakers down a notch.)


  1. No one sleeps like a poodle! They are the champs.

  2. I love this! Those are such cuties.
    I spied that beautiful painted chest, too.
    Are you by any chance of Norwegian heritage? That looks like rosmaling. I am a Norski, too.

  3. They are definitely champions of napping!

    Caterina, one of my grandmothers was Norwegian. The rosemaling was done by a family friend; her husband built the chest. It was my 16th birthday gift from my parents.
