It was 90 degrees out. The police were all in packs. "Where are the guys with the horses?" I asked. "They're all down at the convention center. They'll be up later. Watch out for the horse from Cheyenne. He's mean."

This guy had awesome hair.

"We bleached the spots, then died them black."
Him: "This stuff weighs about 60 pounds. You wanna carry it for me? The gun shoots sponge rounds. They're like Nerf bullets."
Her: "I have bruises on my hips."
Fashions ranged from hippie to punk to news teams' suits.

I practiced my Chinese on the Taiwanese reporter and pointed him toward the Falun Gong band.

They weren't very good, but they tried hard.

In the amphitheater hung a banner from the Recreate '68 group, which hoped to stir things up.

Bands and speakers throughout the day kept everyone entertained.

Hip-hop inspired cartwheels.

Most people tried to stay in the shade, hanging out and sharing smokes.

The cops were pretty bored. "That's good. It means people are behaving."

But there were copwatchers on hand to record any malfeasance.

Souvenir-sellers were doing brisk business.

Many people brought their own signs.

A choral group performed "Goodnight Bush" (and I discovered a former co-worker was singing with them):

But despite the festive atmosphere, many were prepared for contingencies.

In one corner of the park, protesters were gathering for some action.

But I missed the beginning of all the excitement. Supposedly a group of protesters moved into the street, blocking traffic, and the police used that as an excuse to surround them and make arrests. I can't say the excessive show of force was necessary. There were three times as many cops as protesters.

There were cops on bikes, cops on horses and cops in SWAT vans.

And lots and lots of cops on foot, in full riot mode. (Click on this picture above to see it larger.)

Outside the cordon, people tried to see what was going on.

And photographers jostled to get pictures.

When the order came to "Mask up!" I had to use my flash, because it was getting pretty dark. I heard later that a couple cops did use their pepper spray, but I think the masks were mainly an intimidation tactic. A lot of the onlookers decided to leave after that. I hung around a little longer (and got
that shot I posted earlier) but then my memory card was full, so I called it a night.