Wednesday, December 31, 2008

From my desk to yours ...

Happy New Year!
Celebrate safely tonight! Homer suggests you include donuts.


  1. Happy New Year to you too!
    Donuts? I like Homer's take on life. Too bad our closest Krispy Kreme is on the other side of town. Will settle for Dunkin Donuts.

  2. Hmmm! No donuts here and too cold to go out to get some (3 degrees F and blowing). I'm thinking ice cream or graham crackers slathered in peanut butter.

  3. Any ol' donuts will do in a pinch, Jenny! Mmmmm ... donuts.

    Betts, those sound like viable alternatives. But ice cream is too chilly for inside me when it's that chilly outside.

    Unless you add hot fudge.
