Thursday, March 20, 2008

Now appearing ...

In my yard!

Must plant more of these for next year.

It was in the mid-60s today. Will we get more snow? Of course! It's forecast for Saturday.


  1. Beautiful! I am totally drooling over all of the spring flower photos you've posted. We're getting more snow as I write this, so think it will be awhile before I have anything poking through the ground - and an even longer wait for blooms. So keep posting your stuff, 'kay?

  2. I hear you're getting a LOT of snow, Kris! At least, Wisconsin is, so I guess you are, too. But you'll have some buds of your own soon. It's amazing how fast they come up once you have a few warmer days.

    It is indeed perfect, breezy. Nice to know the previous gardener got some early spring bulbs in.

  3. Flowers blossoming and snow falling.....???? Nice!!!!!! Only rain and heat here in South East Asia!

  4. It's all part of springtime in the Rockies, blue sandals. We get most of our snow in March and early April, usually, but generally the next day the sun comes out and melts it all and warms up the ground. Most of the early spring flower don't mind the snow at all.
