Monday, November 10, 2008

Got big lanes, got big lanes ...

You might be able to guess what song has been stuck in my head since Friday.

I was also tempted to title this post "This is not 'Nam." Except we didn't follow the rules very carefully on our birthday outing for friend D.

Save for the de rigueur White Russians.

The shoes were surprisingly not unattractive. They also appeared brand-new and were pretty comfortable. How times change!
But my score was pretty abysmal. (I was "V.") I only got one frame in, so I can blame it on not being warmed up. Or maybe because I haven't touched a bowling ball in years.
We did have a bowling unit in high school gym. Imagine a busload of teenagers descending upon a bowling alley at midday and being asked to concentrate on "form." Fun times.

It is not easy taking a picture of a bowling ball while holding it, with no flash, left-handed.
Some of us had better form than others.
I thought I would be sore the next day, but I wasn't.


  1. Ah, must have the requisite "caucasians" as you mentioned. How I miss bowling.

  2. Haven't been bowling in years. The scoreboard's gone high-tech.

  3. A bunch of us actually took bowling as a P.E. credit at Tulane - we played at Mid-City Bowling.

    Where else but New Orleans can you get a physical education credit while smoking and drinking?

    If only I had bowled a 90 once, I might have gotten an "A".

  4. Hey Jack! Healthy livin' ...

    Mimi, no alleys in the VI?

    Joanne, it's all fancified these days. But the basics are the same.

    Titus, those were the days.

  5. I always end up with one sore butt cheek the next day. Pipsqueak's been beggin to bowl, so I think I have a sore cheek in my near future.

  6. A few years ago we would go bowling for our Safety meetings and it was a lot of fun. Got a bit pricey though. I'll have to show the pictures of Jim's 40th, I threw a party at the bowling alley. I would love to go bowling again, I'll have to fun it past the girls.

  7. you got game! looking forward to following your blog!

  8. Deneph, perfect typo!

    You're the one who's got game, A! Broke 100!
