Friday, November 28, 2008

The last notch

That's what my belt is on right now. The first Thanksgiving dinner was at the country club, thanks to my aunt's mother's kind invitation. That's my cousin's thumbs up:
The second was at my best friend's house. I didn't pile my plate so high, though I wanted to. I did save room for dessert.
I think my friend's bathroom scale is off. It told me I weigh 10 pounds more than I thought.


  1. you kill me....I get mad because you post so much and then you post a post that kills me....

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Kitt!
    That was a blast wasn't it?
    Did you get to eat your dessert in the end???

  3. I'm with doggy on this. You are too funny. I am glad you had a good one. I am pretty sure the scale must be broken, too.

  4. Yum yum, both plates look delicious! And I think you should throw out that darned scale... XD I would take the hammer to it.

  5. I have a feeling there are a lot of "broken" scales this weekend!

  6. I love your blog. By the way Hubby and I also like the Psychopedia thanks for the referral.

  7. I'm sure it was the scale. Where's the dessert? Don't tell me you didn't have any!

  8. Thanks, db! You may notice that a lot of my posts don't take all that much effort. Just random observations.

    Thanks, Blue! Yes, there was dessert. I'll have to do another post on that.

    Thanks, Mimi! It was a good day.

    Jesse, it was my friend's scale, or I would! Me, I don't own one. More peace of mind.

    Joanne, I would advise people to put those scales away until next spring sometime.

    Thank you, peggy! I'm glad you like it. And the Psychopedia is hilarious.

    Betts, of course there was dessert! But I didn't have time to go through all my photos and do a proper post. Mom and I have been just tearing from one social engagement to the next. I'll try to post more pics later.

  9. Funny, I think my scale is wrong too. And my clothes as well.

  10. weird, my scale broke and had me up 4 lbs from thanksgiving to the day after. must be a y2k kind of thing...

  11. Michaela and Julie, glad to know the wonky scale thing isn't just my problem. I wonder if I should notify the Consumer Protection Agency for a recall of all these faulty scales.
