Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Thai Chicken Burger Recipe

I make these super yummy burgers in bulk once in a while. They're nice to keep in the freezer (still raw), stacked in a Tupperware with waxed paper separating the patties. Transfer a couple to the fridge in the morning, and have freshly cooked burgers for dinner.

I call these Thai burgers, though they're generally just Asian. The original recipe (from Blue Apron) included lemongrass, which I usually don't remember to buy, and did not include shallots. I get ground chicken or turkey from Whole Foods (I trust their sourcing), but I prefer to buy things like garlic and ginger from the Japanese market near my office.

What you need to make 8-9 patties:
  • 1 large shallot, minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-inch knob of ginger, minced
  • 2 pounds of ground chicken, ground turkey, or a mix of both. Try to include some ground thigh meat if it's available. (Not pictured above because not photogenic.)
  • 1 cup panko
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce (I use the low-sodium variety)
  • 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon sriracha (more or less)
  • Oil for pan-frying
  • Burger buns, plus toppings such as tomato slices, lettuce, avocado

Also pictured: Wasabi peas to snack on while cooking, plus a bourbon and Coke. Substitute your snack and tipple of choice.

  1. Sautée the shallots over medium heat until browned and a bit caramelized around the edges.
  2. Add the garlic and ginger and sautée for another 30 seconds or so until fragrant.
  3. Transfer the sautéed aromatics to a plate or bowl to cool. (I put it in the freezer to hurry the process.)
  4. Mix together the ground meat and panko.
  5. Add the soy sauce, sesame oil and sriracha and the cooled aromatics. Mix thoroughly. Frankly, it's easiest to just use your bare hands, but a spoon works if you're squeamish.
  6. Form into patties.
At this point, I suggest you cook however many patties you're planning to eat immediately, so you can judge whether you want to add more sriracha to the remainder.

Heat a little oil in a pan over medium heat and cook for three minutes or so per side, or until nicely browned on the outside.

If you make your patties really thick, you should probably check the internal temperature (165 for poultry). But half-inch thick patties should be cooked through if they're well-browned.

I wish I had a better photo of the finished burgers, complete with roasted carrots, but we were actually in a rush to get out the door. We went over to our friends' house to watch "The Asphalt Jungle" on their big TV. (Our TV is in a wardrobe in the guest room and you have to sit on the bed to watch it, so we're not hosting movie nights anytime soon.)

"The Asphalt Jungle" is a good movie, by the way. It's one of the Sergeant's favorites. Marilyn Monroe has just a bit part in it, but they sure played it up on the poster.

Anyhoo, back to the burgers. I spiced them up with a little more sriracha and made the rest of the patties in the morning.

I have this gadget I got at East Bay Restaurant Supply that is useful for making consistently sized and evenly shaped patties. I wish it were a slightly smaller diameter, but I guess I could use a circular cutter to achieve that. Guess I have to go gadget shopping again!

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