Friday, January 23, 2009

Bucking the rules

I got there late, so I didn't hear the injunction against videotaping. I got told off (nicely, though) right after I shot this, so it was my last one. I had a feeling it was going to be the best.

Yeah, we got front-row seats! Strictly speaking we should have been a few rows back, but the crowds aren't very big on a Thursday morning.

I wish I could tell you who this rider and horse are, but I flubbed on the note-taking, sorry. It might be Colin Stalley of Riverton, Wyo., on Bad Eye or maybe it's Ben Londo of Pendleton, Ore., on Strawberry Alley.


  1. Woohoo! Glad you missed the warning.

    That happened to me in Chicago right after I snapped a (non-flash!) photo of American Gothic.

  2. I have really enjoyed your Stock Show posts. We wanted to make it to the freestyle reining but yet again I managed to not buy tickets soon enough :)

  3. Kathi, did your photo turn out? (Museums get all bent out of shape with photo-taking because they or the artist have exclusive rights to prints and posters.)

    Laura, glad you like 'em! It's not too late to go check out the rest of the show! It ends tomorrow night.

    I am still trying to decide if I should go tomorrow morning. Too tired today.
