Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sad, sad day

I actually saw this ad before I knew, and thought, "How sad. And how coincidental that the herd is the same kind of goats as mine."

It wasn't a coincidence.

Though the farmer lives in the country, and everyone has horses, cows and chickens, the covenants bar goats and swine. With better neighbors, no one would have cared, as everyone bends the rules in one way or another. But one asshole neighbor complained. A lot.

The goats left today. The farmer is heartbroken, as am I.
One saving grace: the buyer runs an "urban farm" for disadvantaged kids to come learn about animals and agriculture. Cutie, Sweetie, Lafawnduh and James, along with the little girl goats whose names I never knew, will get lots of petting and love in their new home.

The chickens will stay, as they are allowed. Some of them look pretty silly. I'll go back and see them again when they start laying.

The cows are staying for now, but the farmer is waffling on keeping them, as it will be another 10 months at least before Annabelle/Daisy May will calve and start milking. Dozer may stay only long enough to do the one thing he's supposed to.

It costs a lot to keep a cow, especially ones that aren't producing, and the goats had to be sold for much less than they're worth.

I'll miss the critters. A lot.


  1. Aww! That's so sad!!! :( I really liked reading about all the animals. I am glad that they will be getting lots of love though. GRR! Mean neighbors suck!!!

  2. I wish I'd seen that ad first because I was falling in love with those beauties and would have happily taken them on.

    4H would be in world of trouble if goats weren't allowed in the Eagle Valley!

  3. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I was so in love and jealous of your goats. *sniff*

  4. Thanks, everybody. The farmer hopes to get the rules changed, and maybe he could get the girls back then. But I'm not holding my breath.

  5. Oh, sad! No more posts about cheese via Cutie!

  6. heartbreaking :( I do hope the girls will be well cared for, though. Still... *sniff*

  7. Poor little critters! But I'm glad they got a good home.

  8. That's so sad! I'm glad they've got good homes, but still!
